
Types of financed projects:

The Țara Vrancei LAG Local Development Strategy 2012-2015
– Field of agriculture – 21 completed projects
– Field of non-agricultural activities – 5 completed projects
– Field of tourism – 2 completed projects
– Field of village development – 20 completed projects

The Țara Vrancei LAG Local Development Strategy 2016-2020
– Knowledge transfer in agricultural domain – 1 project
– Field of agriculture – 1 project
– Field of non-agricultural activities – 8 projects
– Field of village development – 17 projects
– Field of socio-cultural development – 1 project

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    This website does not represent the official position of the European Commission. The entire responsibility regarding the accuracy and the coherence of these information belong to the people who initiate the website All the information regarding the National Rural Development Programme provided on this page are shared FOR FREE and they are not intended for commercial purposes.