Cooperation projects

Cooperation projects description

Țara Vrancei LAG accomplished 3 main transnational cooperation projects:

1. ”SHOP LOCAL” – support the local producers from your community. This project was completed with Pays de la Jeune-Loire (France) and started in February 2014 and was completed in October 2014. The project aim was to promote the short sales chains of the local products. The outputs of this project are: an exchange of experience between Țara Vrancei LAG and Pays de la Jeune et ses rivieres LAG and the two partner LAGs participated at the OPEN DAYS 2014 event from Bruxelles where the regional specialties were promoted.

2. Local resources for tourism – preparatory visit. This project was completed with Clisura Dunării LAG, Lunca Jiului – Câmpia Desnățuiului LAG and Cederna Garalur LAG (Spain). It started in February 2019 and it was completed in June 2019. The scope of the project was to make an exchange of experience between the partner LAGs and their local leaders involved in tourism and local activities in order to stimulate the common learning regarding the use of local resources as a main factor for the economic development of the area.

3. Day of the Region – preparatory visit. This project was completed with Dumfries & Galloway LAG (Scotland) and IRD Duhallow CLG (Ireland). It begun in February 2019 and it was completed in May 2019. The scope of the project was to initiate a transnational cooperation with the aim of exchanging experience between partners on the theme ”Ziua Regiunii/DAY OF THE REGION” through which can be achieved: knowledge transfer, education and training activities, territorial brand, events in communities using local resources from LAG territory as a main factor of economic, touristic, social and cultural development of the area.

We provide information about other programs performed under the auspices of European Union in Romania, as well as for detailed information regarding the accession process of Romania to the European Union. You can visit the website of the European Commission Representation in Romania.
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